Wellness Team Update: July

Jul 15, 2022

Wellness Heat

Heat Exhaustion
What is it? What are the signs? What to do?

Article submitted by: Jamie Sand

Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, as a result of your body overheating. It's one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe.
Causes of heat exhaustion include exposure to high temperatures, particularly when combined with high humidity, and strenuous physical activity. Without prompt treatment, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition. Fortunately, heat exhaustion is preventable.

Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion may develop suddenly or over time, especially with prolonged periods of exercise. Possible heat exhaustion signs and symptoms include:
  • Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in the heat
  • Heavy sweating
  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Weak, rapid pulse
  • Low blood pressure upon standing
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headache
When to see a doctor
If you think you're experiencing heat exhaustion:
  • Stop all activity and rest
  • Move to a cooler place
  • Drink cool water or sports drinks
Contact your doctor if your signs or symptoms worsen or if they don't improve within one hour. If you are with someone showing signs of heat exhaustion, seek immediate medical attention if he or she becomes confused or agitated, loses consciousness, or is unable to drink. You will need immediate cooling and urgent medical attention if your core body temperature reaches 104 F or higher.
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