Soybean Seed Tech

Sep 02, 2020


Brian Scherling
Seed Operations Director

Soybean seed technology options have the potential to expand in 2021. Pending approval from the European Union, Roundup Ready XtendFlex will become commercially available for next year’s planting season. This new system will offer more flexibility over the traditional RR Xtend technology. The Flex system will feature a triple-stacked herbicide trait that offers tolerances to the Xtend technology (Dicamba), Roundup (Glyphosate), and Liberty herbicide (Glufosinate). By adding Liberty tolerance to the system, this will give growers another tool to effectively manage hard to kill weeds in their fields.

Approval of this system is in its final stages and could happen any time this summer or fall. When approved, the 2021 crop season will be considered a launch year for the trait. Typically in launch years, supply of the seed is somewhat limited. However, an aggressive supply plan is in place and should provide our customers the ability to get a good look at these new varieties and technology.

In 2020, the Enlist E3 (2,4-D tolerance) soybean system was introduced to the marketplace in large scale quantities. This was a very successful launch year for the system. It is also a triple-stack trait package that brings tolerances to Roundup, Liberty, and Enlist. Enlist is a reformulated version of 2,4-D. It features the 2,4-D choline technology, which offers less volatility, less drift, and very few application restrictions. This is one of the first triple-stack trait platforms in beans to gain full approvals for use. Therefore, we have seen this platform adopted as a preferred choice in some areas.

As you begin to plan for your soybean acres in 2021, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, demand will be high for both the Xtend Flex and Enlist E3 traits. With the demand high, supply for both traits could become limited at some point before planting season next spring. Secondly, keep an eye on the pending decision coming from the EPA concerning the future label of the dicamba-based herbicides such as Xtendimax, Engenia, Fexapan, and Tavium. Any changes to the label concerning its use or added restrictions could have a huge impact on the industry and will affect many growers’ decisions moving forward.

If you have any questions concerning the soybean technology systems, contact your local agronomy facility. The Farmers Cooperative seed team will have supply of both Xtend Flex (pending approval) and Enlist traited soybeans. Please talk to us before or after harvest to lock in your soybean seed for the 2021 growing season.

Thanks again for your past and future business!

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