Weed Control

Aug 08, 2020


As we look towards post emerge weed control, we can look back and say “that was an interesting spring.” From starting off very cold to running pivots in May and planting the majority of the crop in a 14 day period,it was definitely interesting.Thanks for your support this spring and we look forward to servicing your needs this summer.

Turning the calendar to summer and looking to control weeds in both corn and soybeans, there are many things to consider including the technology planted, weeds present, weather at application and beyond, timing and cost. When consideringdeveloping a herbicide program we find the mosteffective control are those with multiple sites ofaction (SOAs). Products like Halex GT or Resicorein corn are great options. Tank mixing multiple different products in soybeans is a must when facing those tough to control weeds like tall waterhemp, Palmer Amaranth and Marestail. In addition to weed control at application, I would encourage a residual component to your program as well. As a general rule of thumb about 50% of the waterhemp/PalmerAmaranth germinates after June 10th. If you thinkabout including a residual product we would consider Dual a valuable component to your program to add 30 days of residual control of grass and small seeded broadleaves.

Please consider adding this link www.farmersco- operative.com/fcweather to your phone for the most up to date weather information in your local area. This is a free service to assist you in assuring you have accurate and current information (wind speed, temperature and relative humidity) at the time of application.

Contact one of our area agronomists to visit about the best herbicide options for your operation. Best of luck!

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